BOKAT Economic Development Group is a forward leading provider of economic solutions for improving the quality of individuals and businesses’ financial wellbeing. We foster winning services that aim to stimulate financial learning and economic growth for underserved populations. BOKAT team of experts develop practical financial literacy programs and strategies; and offer financial coaching, engagement, and motivation to help clients build financial confidence, develop good money habits and make better financial decisions.

We are personal financial experts and accountability coaches. We offer Just in Time Help Consultation services to assist clients with applying financial skills. Moreover, we help clients get rid of bad money relationships and help them develop healthy money habits that will last.

Our financial counseling practice is a haven for individuals and businesses seeking to improve their financial literacy and wellness. Our tailored UP Your Skills courses and private BOKAT Stay Connected community empower peer to peer learning and sharing among clients, and engages savers, investors, and entrepreneurs in a unique way to build awareness around saving, spending habits, credit, investing and money management.

Explore details of our featured BROKE Mule initiative and Stay Connected community.
We provide unique learning and motivational experiences for all ages, individuals, businesses, and groups.

Go Mule!

Be sure to join and stay connected, gain peer to peer insight and order Just-in-Time Help if you want assistance with making financial decisions.

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